Sunday, November 28, 2010

LASSALEcollage ♥

River Lane Amore 07, Paris, France
school of art and fashion
xx-street numb.07, Paris, France

8 November 2010,

Dear sir/madam,
I am writting this applicatio to apply as a student at your school. I am 14 year old girl who loves to create and design new revolution of fashion. I am the youngest child in my family, I have an older brother and of course my beloved parents.

I love fashion, no only wear one but also make and design one. Mostly on my spare time, I like to read fashion magazine, or even search in the internet about what's new fashion world and after then usually I design and skecth some more pictures from the picture I've seen.

I really hope that I can study in your school because I'm really interested by your educational activities. I'm interested by your your way of teaching, your way to teach the right and precise technique. I'm even interested by the way you help the student to understand more by take them for a field trip or something.

I've been achieving some awards and achivements from the first, I've been achieving a TOP art school graduation certificate, I've also have achieve lots of first prizes in fashion competitions, also gold medals.

I think that I can give you a good impacts on your school, I can help some students too, I'll try my best to give the bestest result. So please accept me on your school.

Your sicerely,
Fenny S.S.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Trash Problem [Persuasive]

Dear Gouvernment,

I have a little suggestion that you might want to know, it's about our beloved city, X City. I was really sad when I actually see a lot of trash around the street.

I think that a lot of people still throw rubbish on the street, even after the law was enforce. Peoples just seem throw their rubbish when there's no polices there, they basically just afraid for the fine that will be charge to them. The rubbish will cause land pollution may be it's going t be okay for a while but soon it might also killed living things, wspecially plants and also it might killed animals too.

People mostly throw out cans and plastic bags that can absorb by the soil and plants will be hardly to survive, the plant eater will also threatened for extinction.

And how if the pastic bags or cans carried by the winds and went to the water (river) iw till also cause water pollution, the animals live in the water can be poisoned by it and the fishes or anything are consume by us, what will happen? Not only that. what if there's a heavy rain, especially in this rainy season, the river might be over flow if it's really full.

A lot of people disobey this rules and thought that his/her rubbish that they throw won't effect a thing, but actually it is. No one like a dirty city, especially the tourists even the residenceit self.

I think that we should put some hidden cameras (security cameras) around the street so that the polices or officers can manage it better to enforce the better too, we doesn't need to ask the police to hide behind the bushes aren't we?

Because I love this city so much, I don't want this city to have bad reputation, so please think about my suggestion.

your sincerely,

Greener Earth = Bigger Smile! :) [Persuasive]

How are you going to live 20 years later? May be good or even bad, our earth is the only planet
that we can live on. But this earth has been threatened since human's activity increase, such as factories, transportations, home appliances and many more. All of our activities 70% cause pollution, wether it's water, air, land or even sound pollution.

Trees over the world are gettion fewer and fewer, it's mostly cause by human's illegal logging. Everybody knows that trees are the number 1 oxygen producer, not only that, trees also can be animal's place to live their habitats.

That's why we must plant and even save our trees, to help our future generations our great, great, great, great, great, grandchildren.
Let's Plant trees for our better life! Also decrease animals extinction that recently happen and reducing the global warming in this earth! :)

"A little Hand can make a big different"
- Nickelodeon

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The glorious Gloria ! [Description]

It's big, nice and wonderful that was my first of my school, Gloria Christian School, this school also have it unique taste especially it's color, it;s really colorful, it combine 3 different colors, between blue,yellow,and red. For us High and Junior High school, our building is decorated by the color blue. And elementary school's red, last but not least the kindergaten's color is yellow.

Our school facility is also great, from basketball court, soccer field, tiy wimming pool for kindergarten students, a big hall for our fellowship, also it's interseting classes, and many more.

We usually had our celebration during a national holiday such as Christmas, Easter an etc. To celebrate it, there's a lot of competition held, games also having our fellowship.

Our school also completed by school's laboratory, school's bookstore, health room, school's gym, we also get our own locker each year, we also have a great and cute playground.

Junk Food really is bad [Exposition]

Mostly of Junk foods are consume by a lot of peoples everyday, wether an eldery, adults or childerns. Most of people don't know how bad too much consumtion of Junk foods can be.

Almost all people consume Junk foods everyday, wether it's because of it's taste, cheap and easy to eat anywhre. But this junk food is extremely dangerous if we eat it too much. Most junk food's brand use a lot of food preservatives, we might don't know but food preservative are really bad for human organism. A researcher, research how bad a junk food canbe, he eat jun food everyday for breakfast, lunch until dinner, before he do his research, he's a healthy man, after he consume junk foods he turn out to be unhealthy and really unfit.

As the researcg, we can take conclusion that junk foods isn't good for our body, even it taste good but it's really bad for human's body.

GRAYTOWN City [Narrative]

It's been 2 days after the Minor families moved to that creepy old house on the very top of Graytown Hill. There's an old tale that said everyone that lived even only stayed there will never wento out alive, Jack Moriarty and Anne Pittsburgh was the last family that ever lived there, they died with unusual death, their body doesn't even found. "What else could possibly happen?" asked Fiona Grace, the Mayor of Graytown City with her brittish accent. "I hope nothing bad" answered her assitant with her eyes stared straight to that creepy old house.

"Mom!! I need more foods" shout Emelda Minor with her huge body shaking around the house. "Ohh.. quite already" goraned Irin Minor, Emelda's younger sister. "Just stop it guys, it's 8 P.M. all the neighbor are asleep" Shouted Mrs. Minor while she was chopping the carrots. "It's your own fault, we didn't even want to leave L.A" groaned Joanne Minor, the youngest daugther of Minor family. "Just stay quiet and eat up, dinner is serve." "FINALLY" Shouted Emelda and directly sat and took everything on the table. Suddenly the electricity were out, "Oh man!" shouted Joanne, "stay here girls, I'll go upstair to took care of Eddie and John" said Mrs. Minor. "See, every youngest child always get the most privellege." said Irin Minor with rolling her eyes, "sshh.." tried Elanor Minor to keep her younger siters quiet. "What?" asked Emelda with chewing her food, "did you hear that? Wishpered Elanor. "What?" added Joanne with her angry tone but suddenly they all heard a wishpering sound that sounded "go..a..w..ay.." with a really scary wooshing sound of wind. "AAHH!" all the girl screamed loudly, then a white rose flew in front of them and suddenly the white rose petals was fallen to the ground one by one also drops of blood, the blood went to chased Emelda, she ran as fast as she could, but it was too late, her body dissapear with nothing left, only her last chicken wing roll over the floor.

Irin's eye was getting wider, she can't believed her eyes, she ran toward Joanne and Elanor, "phew.. you guys.. are you.." Joanne and turned back and Irin screamed so loud, Joanne's and Elanor's face were covered in blood and bugs, Irin ran upstair an looked for her mother and her younger brothers, but every single room were empty, Irin walked backwards slowly and suddenly she bumped to something, Irin were surprised and scared, "mom.. Eddie.. John.. is that you?" asked Irin with her shivered lips. As she turned back it was her mom and younger brothers with blood covered all over their body, and John's arm was seemed seperated form his body, Irin jumped through the sstairs and went out, suddenly there's a big truck infronf of her "AAHH!!" screamed Irin loudly.

"Irin..Irin..?" a soft voice woke her up, "ahh.. am I in heaven, are You God?" asked Irin, "what? it's me, Elanor, what are youd reaming anyway?" giggled Elanor. "Ooh.. it's just a dream, a nightmare" thought Irin with reliefing. "Girls..girls.. listen up!" interupted Mrs. Minor, "mom?" asked Elanor. "Guess what?" "What?" "We're moving to Graytown City" said Mrs. Minor excitedly, Irin screamed loudly "NO!!!"


Friday, October 8, 2010

passioninfashion ♥

Clothes, skirts, dresses, pants, jeans always make their fast revolution. From the year 60's when "Retro" is in the heart of every fashionista's, or in the year 90's when "Hip hop" is the crown of fashion until now it keeps revolute every year, from long to short, from big and heavy to light and slimmy, and many more. Fashion never stop spinning, may be once the plait is in, and the next day they're out.

My whole new experience started when the first time I Felt head over heels with fashion. Since I was in elementary school, fashion had stolen my heart, I love to drew some clothes, at very first my drawing is not good, but after then I kept draw and draw. Until my 7th grade is almost over, my friend, stella ask me to join a summer course with her. Over there we were teach everything basic about fashion. We were teachs how to make a bag, dolls, to use the sewing kit, even to make a pattern. But the summer course is just for about 2-3 weeks, and then we can't joined it anymore, we were thinking of join the real classes, I ask my mom about it, at first she doesn't agree but then she finally let me to join it.

I felt in love with fashion is beacause it's amazing how a rectangular and simple fabrics can be transform into something beautiful. also by fashion we can express ourself, wether we're simple, cute, nice and glammy, sassy and glamour, elegant and sweet, we can express them all! I really adore all of the amazing fashion designer, from Michael Kors, Coco Chanel, Anna Sui, Calvin Klein, Diane Von Furstenberg, Susan Budiarjo, and many more, they're really talented at making clothes, their fashion line is always impressive! someday I wish I can srtanding there on the runway and said "hey, this is my fashion line!"

The very first day of my actual course, I sat on the chair in the front, I looked around everyone is way older than me and my friend. We both just keep blinking and talking about our soon to be great experince. After that a high heels steps come near by, It's getting louder and louder, and finally the door was opened, it was our teacher and also the owner of that course. She's really pretty and also nice, she loves to joke around but also serious at teaching, she teachs us different kind of pattern. We both enjoy it! And every week there's time when we were teach about sewing, with different teacher of course. Our Sewing teacher is really nice, she's also good at sewing, it's like the line is very perfectly straight.We are having our course every Saturday, From 10.00 A.M. to 16.00 P.M. It's almost like we're actually in school but the subject is all about FASHION! Every Saturday we went there with lunchbox, big-heavy bags in our hand, we went through the red stairs and go straight to our classroom, we chated, we sewed, we made pattern, we learn how to create pattern and a lot more. We even teached different kinds of sewing technique! It was such a great experience for every single one of us, especially me and my friend, the other students has join the regular design class before, and then they join the regular pattern making, so they actually have join there for a long time. We both choosed to join the pattern making because, We need to leraned more about sewing and also pattern making. We both enjoyed it very much.

But now we didn't joined our course anymore, in due of the National Examination. But we're planning to continue it in High School. I wish that one day, I can be a wonderful fahsion designer, that can make and help a lot of people express theirselves, comfortable in it and still STYLISH ! I also hope that I can go to or even study in Paris or betterly known as the city of fashion and romance.

"everyone has a dream and that's the start. we follows our dream with mind and heart ! keep believe, and with will everything is possible"

Thanks for Reading, hope you enjoy it :)

With ℓσvε,
Fenny ♥ Angelique™